Honors Stories
Latest Internship..
Senator Boozman’s State Office: Behind the Scenes of the Senate
It was an incredibly eye-opening experience to see all of what our elected officials are responsible for with their obligations to constituents (voters).
Latest Research…
Building a Light Sheet Microscope for Ultra Spatiotemporal Resolution
Author: James Batey | Major: Chemistry, Physics | Semester: Fall 2023 Hello everyone, my name is Ethan Batey, and I am a junior studying chemistry and physics here at the University of Arkansas! I work in the lab of Dr. Bin Dong, an assistant professor of analytical...
Latest Study Abroad…
The Start of a New Josie
Author: Josie Stadler | Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders | Semester: Summer 2024 I studied abroad in Sweden to gain a deeper understanding of their healthcare system. As a future healthcare worker, I was particularly interested in Sweden's approach to...