Author: Amelia Ver Wort Major: Political Science Country: Italy Program: Rome Center Summer Campus
I chose this program because it was the best opportunity for me and my specific requirements, needs, and interests. I attended the first summer session of classes at the Rome center in Rome, Italy. I chose this abroad experience because I was able to take the Theory of Economics Honors class as well as a basic course in Fine Arts. These two classes satisfied course requirements for my major and my minor. As well as meeting my requirements, I have always yearned to go to Rome. I had never been to Europe before, and I had always dreamt of traveling to Italy. I absolutely adore history and art, so this absolutely the best opportunity for me to succeed in my studies as well as learn so much about a vast culture. Lastly, I am studying political science in hopes of becoming a lawyer one day. My dream is to become successful in being a fully unbiased and understanding legal representative in the field. I knew that traveling to a place of such historical significance with such a unique and different culture would educate and better me as not only a human but as a future legal tender as well. Taking economics in a foreign country fully allowed me to see and understand international economics at an in depth level rather than in a classroom in northern Arkansas. In my economics class, we saw how economics affected Rome first hand, and how it affects international business each day. We traveled the city and broke it down in a completely new way – an economic way. Experiencing Rome through the eyes of an economist really created a whole new outlook for me. It allowed me to not only appreciate the beauty of the city, but appreciate all of the hard work that goes into running such an empire. My second class was my Art History course, which mainly speaks for itself. I was in the city filled with the most revolutionary and world renowned pieces for hundreds of years. Every day was a new experience and a new amazing opportunity to see the beautiful paintings, sculptures, mosaics, architecture, and more that line the city. Each day we would explore a new church, museum, or historically significant building of Rome and study the art and its history. It is incomprehensible that these magnificent artists pieces are not all cherished, but through this class, I was able to experience and see all of the beautiful and magnificent pieces within Rome. These two classes absolutely expanded my knowledge and opinions in many amazing aspects and truly widen my understanding of the world as we know it.
I was in Rome for only 35 days, but 35 days felt like years for me – in the good way. I was able to experience so many magnificent days: I swam along the Italian coast, I got to explore the leather market in Florence and buy real Italian leather, I saw the Sistine chapel with my own eyes, and not just that chapel, but dozens of magnificent churches that deserve just as much recognition, and I ate loads of amazing food. I got so used to walking next to history that I began to not even blink an eye when I would walk past St. Peter’s Basilica every morning on my way to class. It’s surreal to think that so many Italians live in such a historically significant city that’s empire affected every single aspect of our world and what it is today. I got to do so many magnificent things that I sit back and think about how lucky I am to be able to have had that opportunity. When you’re living your same life everyday, without travel, experiences, or certainty of what other lives are like, your brain cannot physically fully wrap its mind around the fact that there are millions of people living completely different lives all around the world. Though technology has truly progressed us towards understanding one another more, reading or seeing it on your phone is nothing like living it in person. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to study abroad in Rome. This experience has opened my eyes forever, as well as shown me the value in traveling, learning, and air conditioning. No other trip I take will ever outshine this experience, and for that I am eternally thankful.
My biggest tip of advice to anyone traveling anywhere is to live in the moment. Relax and allow yourself to be free of time, worries, and future issues. You’re in a completely new environment – new people, new scenery, new culture – live it. Experience it. Explore! Go to the local market, source out the best bakery, travel to a nearby town, go to museums and churches, go to parks, rent a bike. I had the most fun when we traveled around Italy, either inside Rome or outside. My two favorite days on my abroad experience was being able to travel to Cinque Terre in northern Italy and also experiencing an afternoon boat ride in the spectacular Borghese gardens. If we did not take the chance to stumble upon and find these places, I would not have made the best memories of my life. Lastly, try to learn simple sentences in the native language of the country. Not only will this help you communicate, but it will showcase that you are willing to connect to the culture and the people more deeply than most. Just basic sentences show that your respect and value their culture and their time. This connects you on a different level to your abroad experience and allows you to understand and relate to the people and culture of the country. But above all, have fun. Do what you think will be fun, whether that be to travel, scour the city for good food, or sit in a park and read, do it. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, make it worth it. No other trip I take will ever outshine this experience, and for that I am eternally thankful.