Author: Rylie Ford | Major: Social Studies Education and History
I chose the Education in Ireland program for a few reasons: it was a perfect length of time, I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland, and the itinerary was very unique! Since this is an education program it was very experiential and hands on, which I loved! Instead of attending lectures and classes, we went into four K-6 schools and observed and taught lessons to Irish students. We all had a prepared lesson and were able to teach that to a variety of grades, as well as observe their teachers’ lessons. Along with that we got to participate in important aspects of their school life, such as “Sports Day,” where we learned to play Gaelic Football and also attended their dance class where we learned a traditional Irish dance called Sean Nos.
Being immersed in the school culture allowed us to compare the Irish primary schools to U.S. elementary schools. While there were many similarities, there were also differences. To begin, the Irish schools are much smaller than the typical U.S. We went to a country school where there were two grades per one classroom. Additionally, their private school system was the opposite of ours. Our public schools are secular while theirs are Catholic, and a religious school in the U.S. is private, while a secular school there has to be private.
We learned a lot about the Irish school culture, particularly those of the teachers. We heard that the retention rate for Irish teachers is higher than the U.S. and it seemed like the teachers had more classroom support, leading to a better working environment. Additionally, teaching is seen as a very respected profession in Ireland, and being a teacher is thought to be quite an accomplishment, which may not always be the treatment teachers receive in the states.
My program had two instructors and they were excellent! Not only did they create this program by themselves over 10 years ago, they also made all of the connections to work with the schools we visited. When we went to the schools they had already visited, the staff was delighted to see them and have this program return to their schools. Without their support and connections, this program would not be possible. They prepared and supported us through every school visit and lesson. For some of us this was our first time teaching a lesson in a real classroom, and our professors gave us nothing but encouragement and praise.
This program taught me a great deal about the Irish education system, but also the culture of Ireland. The first thing to note is that Ireland is a much older country than the U.S., so its history is so rich, and its people are very proud of it! Almost every day of our trip was packed with events so we could make the most of our time in each city. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the castles, cathedrals, and historical sites, as well as visiting a pub or two. Two of my favorite days were visiting the Aran Islands and taking a bus tour through Connemara to Kylemore Abbey.
I would absolutely recommend this program to other students! If you are a first time international traveler like myself, this trip is perfect because you are not gone too long, but you get to see and experience so much!! I would suggest making the most of everyday, make a list of all the things you MUST see before you go home, and make them happen! That being said, also make sure you are getting enough sleep and recharge your batteries, being in a new country will be tiring. Also, I cannot stress this enough, talk to people! Your waiters, cashiers, receptionists, etc., it’s one of the best ways to find things to do and learn about the country you’re in. As always make sure you’re being safe!