Hiking at the Dolomites
Author: Camila Salgueiro Ponce de Leon | Major: Architecture | Semester: Fall 2022
The past four months studying abroad in Rome was like experiencing a whole new world. I was thousands of kilometers away from anything I knew. Choosing the Rome architecture program was a must for me. As it is well known Rome has the most historic architecture. In fact its where one of most fundamental architecture styles. It is one of the most exciting experiences I have had. What I most appreciated from the program is how well they balanced the work load with your own time. It allowed students to explore the culture we are submerged in and allowed us to travel on the weekends to explore Europe.
Most students didn’t take more than from classes. In my case I took two required classes called architecture of the city and architecture studio, The other two classes I took where optional, they were to Rome with love and fashion and architecture.My favorite on was called architecture of the city, where we wondered across Rome’s most historic buildings. Every week we would have a “tour” of different areas around the city, each with a different purpose or architectural theme. While visiting different sites and buildings we drifted away sketching what we analyzed and learned. I believe the key point to walking to these places was when Professor Andrew would explain the history of each place, what time period it was made, the story behind why it was built, by who, how the materials where chosen, and how its use changed over time. In my case being there and sketching right after he told us the history of the building created an enriching experience in understanding the history of each building and how everything came together. In my opinion it was the best way to explore Rome and learning why everything is located where it is. One class that I would recommend to students is Fashion and Architecture. It’s a class where we used our graphic skills, did collages, learned about textures and how to manage them. It was a fun class where you are free to choose a theme you want it can be as crazy or simple as you want and express it through different art mediums. It teaches you the process of creating a fashion collection, and how anything can become inspiration.
One of the main differences between classes at the U of A and the Rome center is how many classes will always have one or multiple day trips around Italy. Some classes have trips every class and some have trips to places further away such as Florence. One thing that really surprised me, coming from the architecture student point of view, is that school closes at 7pm! We are used to staying up at school until late and having to leave before 7 felt wired. I feel like that small change in a way pushed us to stop working after 7 and incentive us to explore around the city more, weather it is going to have dinner in a new place or walk around the center exploring the small family stores. Especially because we are studying abroad it was a great way of controlling our time and being able to make space to explore the new culture around us.
I would completely recommend this program to anyone. I am someone that loves learning even small random facts of history, this program has been extremely enriching in teaching things you do not read anywhere, not on history book, or documents about a building. I feel it has expanded my curiosity and the way I look at everything. For example, have you ever thought of why there are so many small holes on the colosseum walls? Every small hole on the wall used to be a steel clasp to hold the pieces together, and every single piece was taken out, when the roman empire fell. The barbarians dismantled every rich material they could find, including marble columns.
One thing I wish I had known before coming here is: do not wait to plan the small trips on the weekends. As soon as you get to Rome or even before, select the places you want to go and start making transportation and accommodation reservations. You will have time on the weekends, and the earlier you get tickets the cheaper it is. Even if you go for two days, it is worth it. Getting to experience so many different cultures, different architecture, different traditions all around Europe is a one in a lifetime experience, don’t let the opportunity pass.