Presenting my Poster
Author: Lily Degrace | Major: Psychology | Semester: Spring 2023
Hello! My name is Lily DeGrace, and I am a junior studying Psychology with a minor in Mathematics here at the University of Arkansas. As I wanted to deepen my knowledge in the psychological sciences, I became involved with research labs on campus starting my fall semester of sophomore year when I joined the Spark Lab with Dr. Makhanova. The Spark Lab research generally focuses on how biological processes affect social behavior. The research that I presented at this conference was examining the effects of immune system activation on one’s perception of relationship conflict.
A few fellow research assistants and I headed up to New Paltz, New York to present our lab’s research findings at the North Eastern Evolutionary Psychology Society and gain experience in this field. This trip advanced me in my research as it illustrated what a research conference looks like to me and provided me with new research interests that will lead to critical questions and discussions with peers. We listened to many presentations during the days we were there and were able to have discussions after regarding what we had learned, and what else might be interesting to add to that specific field of research. Additionally, I was able to connect with psychologists who do research in the areas in which I am most interested, and will utilize their contacts when it comes to learning more about and applying for graduate programs in psychology. Specifically, my interest was drawn to presentations that studied the development of social behavior, and the impact of early environmental effects on this development. These connections were encouraging and exciting to me.
When presenting my poster, I was able to have engaging conversations regarding my research, while learning new ways to look at data and ask questions from more experienced psychologists in the field. This presentation experience added to my knowledge of research discussions and how to think critically about results. After presenting my poster, I was honored to receive the “Student Poster” award.
I had the opportunity to meet other undergrad students who are pursuing similar futures in psychology and are interested in similar fields of research. This encouraged me to continue on in my research and work towards the goal of having my own research to present at a conference. These students inspired me and I was able to engage in friendly and interesting discussion as well. My advice to other students who think they might be interested in research is to do it! Join a lab, become involved with the other research assistants, and sign up for the extra opportunities that come along with it. It is something that I am so thankful to be a part of and it has taught me more professional and educational skills than I initially expected. Plus, the Honors College is generous when it comes to funding research experience.
I plan to pursue a PhD in Counseling Psychology and practice as a licensed counselor. This career path will give me the opportunity to continue research in academia while also being able to fulfill my dream and passion of working one-on-one with people in a clinical setting.