View of the Roman Forum
Author: Lauren Redding | Major: Exercise Science | Semester: Summer 2023
This past summer, I spent four of the best weeks of my live studying aboard in Paderno Del Grappa, a part of the CIMBA Italy program. I learned the Italian language and Greek mythology while getting six hours of credit towards my major. This summer was truly the summer of a lifetime and one that I will cherish forever as it made a great impact on my life.
I chose the CIMBA program because of the great things I had heard from other students at the University of Arkansas, CIMBA was a top program recommended and it fulfilled every expectation I had and more. The program is also one of the University of Arkansas programs that faculty from the University teach and lead students while abroad. The CIMBA program has students from all over the United States with many Universities represented which was unique compared to other programs and something that really stood out to me when I was looking for a program. During the four weeks that I was studying abroad I took Italy Live and Classical Mythology. We had class four days a week, each morning class was for three and a half hours and then two afternoons a week we would take class field trips to surrounding areas to learn more about the culture and better our knowledge on that week’s topic. Italy Live was such a beneficial class to me as we learned more in depth about the Italian culture and the language. It made traveling in a foreign country, where there is such a language barrier so much fun and much easier to navigate. I also took Classical Mythology which was learning all about ancient Greek and learning the myths and legends; it was so neat to see the ancient sculptures when traveling around Italy. The professors at CIMBA were the most understanding and impeccable teachers who really made our time abroad the best it could possibly be. In connection, I am majoring in Exercise Science, studying to be a pediatric physician’s assistant. I feel like studying broad helped strengthen my application and deepened my knowledge on the world around us. I feel that there is so much diversity in our world today and it is such a benefit to be able to speak multiple languages and communicate with those from other cultures especially in the medical field. The CIMBA program will also be beneficial with my honors thesis, as I am planning on completing the experimental option, which is practice-based. The CIMBA environment is beneficial in so many ways that it makes studying aboard so worth the experience.
Each weekend, a bus from CIMBA would take students to the nearby train station and we would have the weekend to travel and explore Italy. I was fortunate enough to visit Florence, Pisa, Cinque Terre, Venice, Rome, and Paris, France. The weekend trips were so surreal for me and were truly places I had dreamed of visiting one day. I feel like one of the biggest adjustments were the way of travel in Italy, which is by train for the most part. Each weekend we traveled via train except to Paris, France where we flew. The train stations were confusing at first and very hard to navigate. However, after the first weekend it became easier, and I learned the best ways to switch trains quickly and efficiently. Once learning to navigate the train stations, the next hardest part was traveling with luggage, especially the last weekend when we each had a backpack, carry on, and checked bag. As silly as it sounds, I wish I would’ve known to bring a large travel backpack. This would have made weekend travel so much easier and would’ve allowed hand free travel when walking all over the small towns and train stations. The train systems in Italy were a learning experience but one that was necessary to travel within Italy.
I feel that CIMBA bettered me and fostered more independence within my college experience. The CIMBA program was so beneficial academically but also personally, which will further me in my life and my career as a physician’s assistant. As soon as I return home, I can’t wait to hug my family and share my study abroad experience with them and how it impacted my life for the better. I also cannot wait to eat a classic American meal. This trip was truly a once in a lifetime experience, and was the summer of a lifetime. I would without a doubt recommend this program!