Lake Como
Author: Mattie McClellan | Majors: Mechanical Engineering, Physics | Semester: Summer 2023
I am Mattie McLellan and am majoring in mechanical engineering and physics. This summer, June of 2023, I went to the Rome Summer Campus. I took Art and To Rome with Love when I studied in Rome. I chose this program because it was simple, and I needed a humanities and arts credit. It really had nothing to do with my major, mechanical engineering; however, this experience was still significant to my education. I think spending this time abroad granted an expansion of my perspective and taking these classes deepened this experience. These classes complimented my time abroad perfectly. The art class consisted of walks around Rome from churches to museums through important neighborhoods. We walked in and out of some of the most important places to visit. Without this class I feel I would have missed some of the many masterpieces in Rome. I know I would not have observed them with the same understanding if I did not have the professor by my side. It was a dream to walk around discussion art with a phenomenal instructor and class. There are few places that you can study art without the PowerPoints and pictures. My second class, To Rome with Love, was exactly what someone needs when visiting Rome. We learned the helpfully Italian phrases to get around. We studied the history and culture of Italy. There are few opportunities to visit a country while simultaneously learning how it functions. Studying the culture while observing this culture in my surroundings was unique. We were told in class to never eat round pizza for lunch because it was a dinner dish that is far better in the evening, and I swear by the end of the month I thought I could really tell the difference between quality of pizzas. To really have a holistic view and a deeper understanding of where I was and what I was observing, this class was crucial. These classes were some of my favorite classes I have taken, with an important distinction of being overseas. These classes were so immersive.
I took a few weekend trips around Italy. My favorite by far would be the days spent in Lake Como. A few friends and I took a train into the town of Como, where the very common experience when travelling happened. We were just a little lost looking for the bus to the small town our Airbnb was located in. The heat was pounding, and we kept wandering, but once we were there it was all worth it. We first walked down to the water, which was probably a half mile of a 45-degree hill. It might not have been worth it on the way back up, but the hills and the water were stunning. That same day we started a six-mile hike up one of the hills and while this was a difficult trail, it was so spectacular. As we walked up the forest thickened, and the views of the lake below became so impressive. About three miles in there was a side trail that we decided to follow down to this stream. I am glad I wore my waterproof hiking boots because it was so renewing to splash around like a child. We built a stone path to get farther into a segment of the river and followed it around a bend just exploring. It was one of those moments that will always exist freely. The rest of the weekend consisted of visiting a gorgeous old monastery, swims off rocky beaches, picnics with things we got from the local grocery story, and a beautiful boat ride. It was a peaceful change of pace from the bustling cities.
Like everyone I talked to before this summer, I would also recommend taking time to study abroad. I would recommend the Summer Campus in Rome. The faculty there are amazing people who will help you find your footing and become a local for a month. I think it is important to go in with an open mind. People talk about time abroad with a fondness that can be misleading. You might find yourself a little lost, but you will make it through so much wiser. Being abroad teaches so many lessons. I will say one thing I wish I knew before, is that in about two weeks Italian food will get tiring. Still good but I really missed Mexican food; it’s just not a thing over there. It’s a wonderful experience. I found myself missing my family and being home even though I have never really been a homesick person, but I would not trade this summer for anything. There is no better way to really understand yourself.