Visiting Charles Darwin’s Research Station has always been a dream of mine, and I was so excited that I was able to do it!
Author: Jayden Thurmon | Major: Biology | Semester: Fall 2023
This August intersession, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to study abroad in the country of Ecuador. During my time in Ecuador, I was able to visit the Galapagos Islands, which is known for its relevance in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. As soon as I heard about this program, I jumped at the chance to be a part of it. As a biology major, I have been learning about Charles Darwin for a very extensive period of time. The course offered through this program was also an animal science course, which is absolutely perfect considering I am a pre-veterinary student.
As I am applying to veterinary school this year, this experience really helped me expand the horizon of different animals that I found interest in while also giving me a chance to stand out on applications. The special topics class was different from any class I have taken in my college career, and my favorite thing about it was the way it allowed us to interpret things we individually found interesting as a group, opening up our minds to different outlooks. The instructors were very good about pointing out scenarios and different aspects of Ecuador to make them a teaching moment, which taught me that there is educational depth behind most of everything even if I don’t see it at first. These are things that make the study abroad classes different from classes at the University of Arkansas. With the class being smaller and the experiences being mostly hands-on, I feel like it was easier for me to take every opportunity to have the most enriching learning experience possible.
This program turned out to be everything I hoped for and more, really expanding my knowledge in ways that I used to say did not matter. I am aware, now, that holding knowledge concerning plants, animals, and culture that you rarely interact with, can really shape how you view many ways of your own life. The places I was able to visit during my time in Ecuador will never be forgotten. Las Grietas, Floreana Island, Charles Darwin Research Station, Mindo Cloudforest, and the Center of the World are memories that could never be removed from my list of life changing experiences. Before traveling to Ecuador, I had never been out of the country, and the landscapes Ecuador provided were things I had only seen in pictures or read about. It truly made my experience surreal, along with knowing that I was walking on the same islands as Charles Darwin was as he was making history.
I would definitely recommend this experience to any student that had an interest in biology, animal science, Spanish, indigenous communities, environmental science, or history. This experience was rich in information for a wide range of topics, and I believe anyone could take back something useful to their lives that they would learn on this trip. The only thing I wished I would have known before this experience was more background knowledge about the history of the Galapagos islands. Our tour guide on the islands knows everything there is to know about the development and socialization on the islands, and I really wished I had information to build upon before I visited and learned so much without a foundation. The first thing I plan to do in the United States is eat fast food! The food in Ecuador was absolutely amazing in both aspects of taste and nutrition, but as a homegrown southerner, I cannot wait for McDonalds!