Timothy Loftness
Author: Timothy Loftness | Major: Mechanical Engineering | Semester: Spring 2022
During the Spring Semester of 2022 I worked in Dr. Han Hu’s Nano Energy and Data-Driven Discovery Laboratory. As a current Mechanical Engineering Major at the University of Arkansas I was eager to start using my in class knowledge in the realm of research. Along with my team of other talented students and the help of the Arkansas Space Grant Consortium as well as the Honors College at the University of Arkansas we were able to explore different manufacturing methods specifically within Microgravity environments.
I started off this semester by collaborating with the other member of the groups manufacturing sub team. We began by analyzing the manufacturing needs of those at in either microgravity or no gravity environments. After some thoughtful reading we realized that a 3d printer that has decent build resolution, uses thermoplastics as material due to its lower melting point and had a large building volume capabilities would be optimal. These parameters would allow us to test and optimize a 3d printer in the lab for solar powering while still having useful features for the end use at the lab. From here we landed on the Creality CR-30 with its infinite Z axis capabilities. This 3d printer effectively allows for manufacturing of infinite length in any one direction. Additionally, its two nozzle extruder would significantly help with longevity as well as complex builds.
After deciding on this 3d printer we immediately obtained, set it up, and started analyzing the components that would need to be changed in order to be solar powered. We looked at the heating requirements needed to heat the 100 micron layers as well as the power consumed in the actuators on the nozzle as well as the belt. From here under Dr. Hu’s direction I transitioned to working solely on manufacturing with the Pocket NC v2-10. This 5 axis CNC mill is perfect for manufacturing where exact specifications are crucial and its ability to cut materials as hard as titanium is also needed in many industries. Due to his advice and I was able to dive into some getting started working with the machine as well as creating a standard operating procedure for it. The SOP takes the user all the way from inception of design through the Cad modeling, CAM modeling, post processing, and finally the finishing stages of the cutting.
Through this semester of research, I have realized my interest in 5 axis manufacturing and the methods and process’ that make it so popular in industry. I plan to continue my exploration of 5 axis machining specifically with regards to manufacturing microchannel heat sinks over my last year here at the University. Being able to combine my research of 5 axis manufacturing with the thermal analysis of heat sinks will allow my continued research on manufacturing practices to be used in a practical and meaningful way for years to come. With current data processing and storage manufacturing production rates booming, I am hoping that my small contribution to thermal cooling manufacturing practices will have a lasting impact on data processing for years to come.