The Luckiest 2.5 Weeks Ever!

Author: Julia Molleston | Major: Nursing | Semester: Summer 2024

Cliffs of Moher

I studied abroad in Ireland for 2.5 weeks in the summer of 2024 because I wanted to experience the health culture of a country that utilizes the public healthcare system. We spent one week in Limerick, one week in Galway, and 4 days in Dublin. As a future nurse, I have an intense interest in becoming an international travel nurse in Europe and one of the countries that this would be possible in is Ireland, as there would be no language barrier. This was the perfect program to get to see a glimpse into the healthcare system of Ireland. We got to experience learning about what a day in the life of healthcare users and providers experience in many settings such as nursing homes, nurses who work for the Health Service Executive, and those who work with disability service users. I hope to use these experiences in Ireland to guide my future as a professional who has an interest in living abroad.

During my study abroad trip, some moments that stood out to me were those of collaboration between the interprofessional majors of the group. We had pre-medical, pre-occupational therapy, psychology, social work, and nursing students alike. So, after visiting many different sites, we all could collaborate afterwards and compare and contrast from different medial/social service backgrounds. This was an amazing way to get insight into how another professional views that organization or the style of healthcare being provided to residents, patients, and students around Ireland. We were encouraged to take advantage of every cultural opportunity academically and socially, and that is invaluable to any classroom education that is provided at home. After collaboration as a group, we got to figure out how each person within different professions think and why they think it.

Streets of Galway (with Emily Dale and Ginna Grant)

My best advice for students that are interested in studying abroad is to just go for it. It may be scary and nerve racking but studying abroad in a once in a lifetime opportunity that less that 1% of students in Arkansas utilize. There is nothing that is more valuable to academic and personal growth that visiting other cultures. The fact is that no matter how scared you are, how unsure your feel about leaving home, or your nerves about not knowing anyone will be replaced by the most invaluable experiences of your new country. You will learn so much more from local inhabitants of the country than imaginable. You will figure out that you can overcome any challenges the world throws at you by learning life skills such as navigating public transportation, overcoming language barriers, and making lifelong friends in places you could have never imagined. Students should prepare to be challenged. Be challenged by strangers, environments, and situations. But the challenges make you stronger and help you to overcome and gain confidence to navigate uncomfortable situations. Students will learn to be comfortable in the uncomfortable while growing as professionals, humans, and friends. The best advice I can give is to choose a program longer than you think you are comfortable with. If you think 2 weeks is good, go for the month-long trip. If you are interested in a 6 weeklong trip, apply for the semester. Travel is the best way to learn about the world and other humans around the world by increasing cultural competency. Not only does studying abroad have immediate benefits, but it also provides cultural experience that can be used in your profession, interviews, and relationships with other people.